Monday, January 28, 2013
Have any of you done development engineering in a large corporation? There are many, many people inv
Basically CNN got some engineering test papers from Japan when Toyota was testing pre-production Adaptive Cruise Control and tries to pull a word out context saying that there was an software failure on pre-production system never sold in the USA and hence there could be software failure on all Toyota cars sold in the USA.
- toyota adjusted the sensitivity of the throttle vacation packages to florida sensor so it would respond to slightly more forceful movement of the pedal and sent internal document showing other engineers about sensitivity adjustments.
Main point of test was how to detect when throttle vacation packages to florida was pressed on purpose vacation packages to florida (for instance vacation packages to florida you seeing car accelerating to hit you and trying to avoid it and over-ride the cruise control), and with failure in the system.
Main misunderstanding is unintended acceleration and trying vacation packages to florida to relate vacation packages to florida it to people Camry's spinning out of control... when this is ACC that is supposed to accelerate on its own. Not to mention it is in testing, they introduced failure to test it and of course, it is not even sold in the USA.
Yes, I read this on this morning also. Media still trying to convince public that Toyota knew about the SUA and that it was a known software problem, even after the extensive NASA testing. Witchhunting
What ever happened to unbiased reporting, that was drummed into me when I was in College, your supposed to report the news accurately, vacation packages to florida not what you want your viewers to see. The current vacation packages to florida mode of selective Journalism really sucks big time.
Yes, I read this on this morning also. Media still trying to convince public that Toyota knew about the SUA and that it was a known software problem, vacation packages to florida even after the extensive NASA testing. Witchhunting
No, it's not a witch-hunt, it's typical journalism. A witch-hunt is not letting the facts get in the way of an opinion. Typical journalism is not letting the facts get in the way of a good story. At least with a witchhunt you have the hope that you can eventually stop it by convincing them of the truth. Journalism doesn't even care about the truth.
If you want Journalism, you are looking in the wrong place, possibly even the wrong era. The big outlets are here to grab your attention and keep you sufficiently entertained to provide a big market for their real paying customers -- the advertisers.
As far as the wrong era of Journalism, it's has changed, I am still the same. Accurate reporting, sadly is a thing of the past. After all, why let a good set of facts get in the way of a garbage vacation packages to florida piece of reporting!
If it's as innocent and actually supportive of Toyota as Toyota is claiming, why not included it in the handed over information? In an open investigation of the potential for SUA, if Toyota did any testing, and had any results that either indicated the system vacation packages to florida worked as designed...or even under test conditions vacation packages to florida could be made to fail...that should of been shared with the Investigation.
If it's as innocent and actually supportive vacation packages to florida of Toyota as Toyota is claiming, why not included it in the handed over information? In an open investigation of the potential for SUA, if Toyota did any testing, and had any results that either indicated the system worked as designed...or even under test conditions could be made to fail...that should of been shared with the Investigation.
What exactly should they hand over to NTHSA? Please explain, as I am struggling vacation packages to florida to see the point of them handing over the testing of pre-production product that never got sold in the usa. Which actually worked fine btw.
During a test, simulation, vacation packages to florida of the adaptive CC someone went WOT, full throttle, just after, simultaneous with, the adaptive CC applying the brakes as a result of approaching an object at too fast, a FAST rate, at which time the adaptive CC improperly/inappropriately released the braking by the adaptive CC system.
What exactly should they hand over to NTHSA? Please explain, vacation packages to florida as I am struggling to see the point of them handing over the testing of pre-production product that never got sold in the usa. Which actually worked fine btw.
Regardless of how you want to perceive the information. CNN says the translation admits that Toyota did execute a test that DID result in changes to the ulitmate production vehicle. My feeling is that is clearly information that should of been shared with the NHTSA.
Even if the reality is that the information is We did a Test, Found a bug, Fixed the bug...if you're doing an investigation or cooperating with an investigation involving you vehicles and SUA? IMO that is information that should be shared. Toyota can choose the language...made an adjustment and refinement...but that also through testing we discovered parameters that resulted in making needed changes.
It may be, exactly as Toyota presents it. However, Toyota's Engineer, who oddly has no Japanese Language skills, is presenting a clearly different translation of the document than CNN, who evidently had the document translated by multiple sources.
The accusation vacation packages to florida that CNN is fabricating a story is severe. As severe as the accusation that Toyota is hiding information. I would not make either accusation lightly. Nor would I instantly believe CNN's spin of what the document reveals or means...or Toyota's reaction and spin in light of the documents revelation.
Evidently there now exists a document that suggests Toyota in test conditions....did discover an issue with their adaptive cruise control. An Issue evidently severe enough that it resulted in a adjustment and refinement of the system.
Maybe there IS nothing more to the document. I will however not instantly take either Toyota's word on that....or vacation packages to florida CNN's report. And the fact that Toyota vacation packages to florida kept this test, those results, and that document private...I find suspicious. Especially in light of Toyota's claims during the time that NO EVIDENCE vacation packages to florida ever existed that they had any problems with their electronics or software...ever.
Have any of you done development engineering in a large corporation? There are many, many people involved across dozens of departments. The test described in this story is typical and very common, so much so that it wouldn't attract much attention. It doesn't have any direct bearing on the previous SUA investigation. I suspect it went below the radar until someone stumbled upon it recently.
I have worked in R D at large multi-national vacation packages to florida corporations. I've managed R D in the same. I've also been the head of a large organization involved in complex lawsuits. I can say with great certainty that no one person knows all the details vacation packages to florida in a case like this, and many, many documents were missed simply due to the complexity and confusion inherent in any large undertaking.
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