Reputable economists are predicting that the boomers will bankrupt Social Security and Medicare, leaving our kids and grandkids to fend for themselves. The Millennials reno casino hotels are none too pleased by this prospect, and some have even taken to calling us parasites and leeches . At the risk of offending my fellow boomers, and in an effort to foster inter-generational harmony, I propose that we give up our senior discounts. It seems like the least we can do. After all, every time I get 20 percent off the cost of my hotel room, a Gen Yer is subsidizing me by paying a higher price.
reno casino hotels As a 57-year-old, I qualify to purchase a host of goods and services at prices 10-20 percent lower than my under-50 friends. I've racked my lawyer brain, but can't come up with any firm logic to support this "youngster tax."
If you wonder why these discounts haven't been challenged as a form of age discrimination, you're not alone. While they seem like a form of reverse-age discrimination in that they favor the old over the young, reno casino hotels they don't run afoul of the laws that prohibit age discrimination because reno casino hotels those laws only protect older workers in workplace settings. It may not seem fair, but it's perfectly permissible for Denny's reno casino hotels to discount its prices for anyone over 50 who walks in the door between 4:00 and 10:00 p.m. Though this age-specific pricing may be legal, it amounts to a regressive tax that typically benefits people who don't need it. Some argue that senior discounts breed loyalty, but today almost all retailers have club programs to reward repeat customers.
Speculation is that these discounts have been around since the 1950s and were instigated by AARP, which currently lures the 50+ crowd with promises of hundreds of special deals. These price breaks pervade almost every industry -- from restaurants to hotels to clothing stores to national parks. Did you know that once you reach your 62nd birthday you're entitled to a lifetime admission pass to all national parks for a mere $10? Meanwhile, the younger generations have to fork over $80 a year to commune with nature.
Perhaps there was some justification for giving oldsters a break 60 years ago, when Social Security benefits were stingy, people retired at 65 and expired soon thereafter. But things have changed. Today people over 65 are not only less likely to live below the poverty line ; they enjoy higher net wealth than any other demographic group . The average lifespan in the US has increased by ten years since the 50s and many boomers are delaying retirement.
To illustrate the absurdity of the current situation, I'll use myself as an example. My dad is currently 94, so I expect to live to 100. At this rate, I'll be entitled to senior discounts for one-half of my life. I, like a lot of boomers, don't need the price break. A 20-something, fresh out of college and unable reno casino hotels to get a job, is probably more deserving.
Reputable economists are predicting that the boomers will bankrupt Social Security and Medicare, leaving our kids and grandkids to fend for themselves. The Millennials reno casino hotels are none too pleased by this pro...
Reputable economists are predicting that the boomers will bankrupt Social Security and Medicare, leaving our kids and grandkids to fend for themselves. The Millennials are none too pleased by this pro...
HuffPost High School welcomes a lively, thoughtful debate in the comment section. Keep in mind that the articles here are penned reno casino hotels by young authors, so please keep criticism respectful, and help us to keep this a safe and supportive place for writers of all ages to contribute.
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Its going to be a generational war if another economic crisis reno casino hotels happens... You watch. I'm not for or against it but look at the big picture of resources plus wages plus growth and debt. And not too many boomers willing to sacrifice what they feel they've earned. I don't disagree with that reasoning except they sold their kids futures down the river.
3. You've bought into the scare tactics of those who want to abolish Social Security and Medicare. There are sensible fixes available like raising the income cap on which SS taxes are paid to include all income, and expanding, not shrinking the pool of those who pay into Medicare to include the healthy not just the aged and ill.
You can't be serious. Seniors who are barely making it on retirement income should give up discounts that are more necessity than perk? You need to recalibrate your thinking on what America is like for seniors.
Furthermore, the only reason Social Security is at risk of collapse is because certain political factions want it to collapse and have since it was signed reno casino hotels into law. There are very easy fixes for Social Security, like eliminating the cap on contribution, that would make it solvent to the horizon. Social Security, like the Postal Service, is in trouble because it is being sabotaged, not because it is a failed system by any stretch of the imagination.
Do you not realize this program is OFFERED by each company--it is not mandatory. It actually adds to these companies bottom line where they would have had less business, less filled rooms or airline seats. It's a " spend your money here" proposition that benefits THEM.
Good for you that you don't need it, but stop and think of those that it makes a difference to. No one is making you take these discounts---you can refuse them as you wish. Even though we have less $$$, we still contribute to the economy when we can.
Why not try and come up with a genuine idea to "FIX" SS and Medicare---like"hands off" to congressional leaders who want to gutt and rape it. How about fixing the loopholes and writeoffs and taxing corporations who offshore and then bring their goods back tax free at our job and $$$$$ expense. Then more peole could be putting money into SS and keep it solvent----no jobs=no money going in to the fund.
Wow. Just wow. So, you're a lawyer. You probably pull down a decent income. Is any institution or business forcing seniors to accept discounts? I'm not aware of any. You seem to think that most discounts are skewed to seniors. I disagree. How about bars and taverns trying to attract reno casino hotels young women with Lady's Night drink specials? Twofers and free snacks? They want young women in the bars who will in turn attract young guys who will pick up the tab. Not fair to the young guys.
And the argument that seniors reno casino hotels as a demographic are better off financially than other groups is specious. I don't know what pool that survey was taken from, but all the seniors I know and associate with sure don't fit it. I'm 65 and my wife is 58. We're hanging on by a thread. Just lost our house and have to move by 2/22/13. Oh, we're living so large eating at Denny's on the cheap. I haven't been on vacation or a national park since 1991. Get real girl and stop the TGOPer propaganda.
Quit your whining or is it bragging saying you don't need these discounts. My mother is soon to be 77 and has to work 30 plus hours per week to supplement her social security and she relies on discounts such as these to help her make it through the month. How petty can you be?
Every generation seems to feel that the aging are a drain on the economy. Well, by the time the current generation is elderly, they'll have shouldered the economy for the up-and-comers, much the same way that the boomers shouldered it in their younger years, for the current up-and-comers.
I think this is a splendid idea for all the seniors who are doing very well economically and feel that they can do without these discounts. I would love to be in the situation myself but I am not, so let's keep your plan voluntary.
Lorie, as a child of a baby boomer I think you are way off base... Many seniors unlike you, are living on fixed incomes and need all the discounts they can possible get... try getting yourself out in the world and talk to people reno casino hotels and you will see that these discounts mean a hell of a lot to some people reno casino hotels for them to live a life outside their own homes and maybe travel if they wish...
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