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I got to thinking about "how my dog has changed my life", and I wondered if it's the same for you as it is for me? As I thought about "What has changed my life since I got a dog" there has been many ways in which my dog has changed my life. I guess the main thing that's different in my life, or I should say our lives. (My wife Michele and I) is that our daily routine much different now, than before we had a dog.
From the time we wake up each morning to the activities we do on a daily basis, it has all changed. Our lives now seem to revolve around our dog! We didn't intend for that to happen, it just did. At 6:30 each morning we wake up to a wiggly little boxer, her's tail spinning a hundred miles per hour, just as happy as can be. She's climbing on us, licking us, anything to try to get us up. No special reason, just because it's morning and she's just happy to see us.
Once our dog is awake, there's no sleeping, at least not for me. Not unless I get up, I take her out, and feed her, first thing in the morning, That allows my wife to get a little extra shut eye. The second thing in the morning that's different about having a dog is I have to feed her first. In the old days, I feed me. On weekends cooked breakfast for my wife and I.
The third thing that is different is, that no matter how cold or hot it is, and no matter how wet or blistery it is, I'm going out, whether I like it or not, the dogs bathroom is outside. (Thankfully)
Another interesting side note to dog ownership is that my one number form of currency is now poopy bags! Yeah, It's like their money or something! I got them in my pants pockets, my jacket, my car, everywhere! It's, just another way my dog has changed my life.
Here's another change, now instead of people beds there's three dog beds in our home including our queen size bed. This is because, she needs a place to lay down in each room. That's, very different from before I had a dog. Also now there are the dozens of dog toys strewn about my home. Which naturally, I have to pick up! My Dog knows how to get them, beat the living hell out of them, pull the stuffing out of them. But put even one of them away? Yeah, well , we are working on that.
Did I mention that she follows one of us into every room, even the bathroom. If we didn't shut the door behind us I swear she would wait in there for us. So having an audience is something that also different when you have a dog. We also make sure, that she eats dinner before we do. My thought behind doing this, was that if she ate first, then she wouldn't bother us, while we ate our food. So, far that has worked out for us.
The next way that our lives have changed is that we plan all our outings, going to the store, visiting friends, going shopping, going out to dinner whatever, around a 4 to 5 hour window. Before we had a dog, we never worried about leaving home or when we had to get back home. Now, we need to think about letting her out, and feeding her. All within cheap extended stay motels a time frame she can handle. Sometimes we have to take her to a kennel, never had to do that, before we had a dog.
Now that I have a dog, I have to take walks three times a day. On nice days, I spend an hour or so at the Dog Park so, that she can interact with other dogs. I just watch her run around like she's nuts, and have a great time getting dirty. I didn't do that before I had a dog. Nor did I catch ever episode of the Dog Whisperer.
I didn't get, what we call the "evening dinner show" every night when she gets her toys and plays with them in in the living room in front of us and does anything she can think of, to get us to play with her and get involved. It's very entertaining to watch her put on the show and it usually makes us laugh out heads off.
Before, I had a dog our entertainment revolved around restaurants, nightclubs and socializing with friends. Things have slowed down a bit since having a dog, and she's my fifth dog. So having a dog must be worth it. And since I'm a responsible pet owner it doesn't allow me to ignore my responsibility to her. I wouldn't change that for all the freedom that comes from not having a dog.
Not even on my life! My dog has change my life for the better in more ways that I can describe to you. My dog has brought the innocence's of a child, and the pure love and joy only a dog can bring in to our lives. She has brought with her a wonderful, beautiful spirit that only a dog has. She has blessed us with the unconditional love that only a dog will gives, without expectation. Our dog has brought us pure joy and laughter each and every day.
And no matter how bad things are, whether it's physical, emotional. or financial dogs help us cope with it, they see us through, and make us happier through any challenge life throws at us. That's how my dog has changed my life.
We are huge dog-lovers here at the ranch and we have 3 dog beds, too, but we also have 3 dogs to fill them which means we have 3 times the fun. Always enjoy reading about our four-legged best buddies. Thanks
cheap extended stay motels We are huge dog-lovers here at the ranch and we have 3 dog beds, too, but we also have 3 dogs to fill them which means we have 3 times the fun. Always enjoy reading about our four-legged best buddies. Thanks
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