Because we all had a good laugh with their NFL video last week (and if you didn t laugh, you should probably see your analyst more often), cheap travel to las vegas we figured we couldn't ignore their version of President cheap travel to las vegas Obama s second inauguration.
What s so funny about this video is it makes the whole inauguration seem like a bunch of buffoons and idiots and then I realized that s exactly how it really went down. There was no need to dub over what they actually cheap travel to las vegas said. lol
What everybody missed was after the Dog Bigger Dog Show Was Obama Jay Z performing cheap travel to las vegas their own version of Down Low Lip Syncing I m sure we can all agree just how foul,nasty perverted each one of these Anti-Americans really are,then again,being from the conservative side of America, we may not even be able to comprehend just how EVIL they really are! PS: There is a Bible Verse that states:That in these times Evil will become Good Good will be considered Evil. I do believe that we have arrived,just look at what The Perverted cheap travel to las vegas Liberals have given to this country.I sure would enjoy seeing how they would respond cheap travel to las vegas to their unborn child being stabbed in the back of the skull then suck the brains out.I sure hope that our so-called conservitive leaders Grow-A-Set soon,then again maybe it s the age old story of the cowardly white boy intimidated cheap travel to las vegas by The Brother cheap travel to las vegas just a hint* They hurt bleed too,but you elected folks need to be More of a man than your mother was! We don t need another 4 years of Obama telling you people what you will do how you will do it,Ya ll have bought way too many Wolf Tickets in the past,try cheap travel to las vegas find some self-respect make a JUST Stand.
the inauguration cost was 170 million and his annual cheap travel to las vegas hawaii vacas have all cost at least half a million and he has spent more money vacationing and seeing the world than the last 42 presidents put together and the clintons held that record before them. Hillary had seen the world before she became the SOS.
Jay-Z and Be are illuminatti and very involved in the NWO order movement. See Jay-Z s involvement with the Battle for Brooklyn plus they use illuminatti gang signs in lots of photos as do many young artists. They know not what they do.
What was the price of gas when Dubya took office and what was it when he finally left? check the records cheap travel to las vegas 1.46 and 2.58 or more..check cheap travel to las vegas the records Food prices change for various reason and it depends cheap travel to las vegas upon what you are eating!!
Blessed, this is what we call a strawman argument. It is used when one is unable to address the real issue and tries to divert attention from the actual issue. It is indicative of either no argument or the inability to reason out an argument from facts. If you believe cheap travel to las vegas that Beyonce is a good singer, please do so. Many people do not. The issue is that she was lip syncing. Did you also notice that the Marine Band stated she was lip syncing and were shut down. Now that everyone finally admits she was lip syncing where is the apology to the Marine Band? The hypocrisy of Liberals is unfathomable.
Beyonce is an average singer. She very frequently sings songs that are way out of her range and you can hear her voice struggle to hit the notes. Of note is her now well know version of Listen. Her high notes are strained cheap travel to las vegas at best. There are many singers in the bars and around the world that sing that song way better than that commie bitch. She is an overhyped commie pig. Period!!!!! She certainly is no Whitney or Mariah or Christina.
Beyonce is an average singer. She very frequently sings songs that are way out of her range and you can hear her voice struggle to hit the notes. Of note is her now well know version of Listen. Her high notes are strained at best. There are many singers in the bars and around the world that sing that song way better than that commie bitch. She is better suited singing in front of the likes of Ghadafi for a million dollars than singing cheap travel to las vegas our National Anthem. She is an overhyped commie pig. Period!!!!! She certainly is no Whitney or Mariah or Christina.
She can sing pretty nice but she has a hard time walking sometimes. cheap travel to las vegas And she s not to good at landing either. Looks like she learned some of her moves by watching Carol Burnett variety cheap travel to las vegas show or Mel Brooks movie clips.
WHYWONDER. Racism? What are you talking about? And yes, the country cheap travel to las vegas is changing, the same way Germany changed when it embraced the National Socialists in the 1930 s. Study history, big government always leads to big problems.
You Lefty Loonies have it all backwards in your head and your post proves my point. When a lib cannot think of an appropriate response, they call it racism. You are the racists. You are the ones pushing this all men are created different crap. Isay I don t like Obama because cheap travel to las vegas of his policies, you call me racist. Don criticizes Beyoncé s singing, you call him racist. When I don t hire a black person because he came to the interview with a Fubu shirt on and said Dawg I needs a job , and instead hire the white guy who came in with a suit and spoke professionally, you call me racist (true story on this one).
You called me a ******* and the guy I voted for a pos then you want me to wake and, I assume join the right. You have no clue about liberals . This one runs his own business, never been close to being on food stamps, never collected unemployment, never had a refund from the IRS( those are for bums), do not want,need anything from the govt, pay cash for ma in the nursing home( instead if moochin off medicare). Got no clue what a govt check looks like, worked hard so I wont need social security cheap travel to las vegas and I ve paid double taxes as a sole proprietor. Get a clue.
WHYWONDER. Okay, your not a stereotypic liberal voter. Cool, your not the only one, yet you didn t explain your baseless cheap travel to las vegas accusation of racism. And your not supposed to join the right, just question authority and hold them accountable for their actions.
Excuse me but would it surprise you that I firmly believe Barak Hussein Obama is the anti-christ. You want to know why??? Because he has time and again been called the Messiah by various of his liberal accolytes. Jamie Foxx in front of a highly approving crowd said I want to give thanks to my God. My Lord and Savior Barak Hussein Obama. Louis Farrakhan has called Obama the Messiah and he of the Muslim Nation????
With that in mind and having seen Barak declare himself to be saved by Christ in front of Rick Warren I wonder why Christian blacks would not be putting cheap travel to las vegas some major distance between Barak and themselves based on the fact that he(Barak) has never once attempted to set the record straight. A real Christian cheap travel to las vegas such as myself would be mortified to even jokingly be called Messiah/Savior/God. And you would see me take a stand against any fool calling me such.
Obama who knows he has been equated to God does not even make a peep. Therefore I assume he is the anti-christ for being so calous towards his Christian Salvation and not setting the record straight. Jesus is the Messiah and Obama in the false liar. Obama is the King of lies and will soon declare himself King as his current Executive Order dictates show his true spots.
WHYWONDER. Sorry, I don t agree. I don t think simply being critical of minority people makes a person a racist. Granted, I ve seen plenty of racist comments on The Blaze but I don t see any on the original post you responded to.
Calling someone a racist does typically hit nerves, cheap travel to las vegas that s why you did it. What I really want to know is why all of you leftists keep sexually assaulting little kids. I mean, I understand that you guys disagree with us politically, but can that s no reason to resort to molesting cheap travel to las vegas children.
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