Hi, I'm traveling from JFK to San Francisco on Delta and then San Francisco to Seoul on Singapore. I was wondering since Singapore allows one free baggage for international flights, will I have to pay Delta their fee even though I'm directly transferring the baggage?
I remember that I did something similar to this long time ago, and I remember I wasn't charged for baggage even though they were different companies because I was transferring to a international flight..but I wasn't clarion hotel jacksonville quite sure.
New rules: "Effective for travel on or after January 15, 2013, Delta Air Lines policy clarion hotel jacksonville will be to check a passenger's baggage between the origin and destination points that are issued on a single ticket or conjuncted ticket exclusively. If a second ticket is presented for travel on another airline beyond the destination of the first ticket, clarion hotel jacksonville the passenger will be advised that Delta will only check the bag to the destination on the Delta ticket(s). The passenger must collect the baggage at baggage claim for their Delta ticketed destination, and then re-check their baggage with the down-line carrier for the next flight(s)."
NFZ's post supplies clarion hotel jacksonville the bad news for you. But I wonder: Why this combo? Delta and its partner Korean could have put this route together for you, all non-stop flights, with no worries about bags and the airlines jointly taking responsibility for delays etc. Just asking; no criticism......
Bad news: Effective for travel on or after January 15, 2013, Delta Air Lines policy will be to check a passenger's baggage between the origin clarion hotel jacksonville and destination points that are issued on a single ticket or conjuncted ticket exclusively.
So when you check in at JFK show both tickets to the Delta person and plead with them to through-check the bag. You might even acknowledge that you know about the change in January but you're really in a jam today, blah blah. They can "interline" your bags, and with just two hours at SFO you really, really need them to do so. Otherwise you're in a real pickle and stand a good chance of missing the Seoul flight; Singapore Airlines would be under no obligation whatsoever to get you to Seoul. Doing a bag claim/recheck itinerary at SFO in the middle of the Christmas season is, no offense intended, mad. Remember you have to check in way in advance on international departures, the counter people have to look at your passport and visa information, etc. It's time consuming, time you won't have.
Frankly, in your shoes, I'd suck it up today, pay the change fee and move to an earlier Delta flight to SFO so you can reduce the chances of a weather or air traffic delay wiping out a Singapore ticket that would cost hundreds of dollars to replace.
clarion hotel jacksonville Arriving on Delta, you will have to collect clarion hotel jacksonville your bags if necessary, leave Terminal 1, and go through security clarion hotel jacksonville (and bag check) at the international terminal. There are shuttle clarion hotel jacksonville buses but walking clarion hotel jacksonville is probably faster.
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