Tuesday, January 1, 2013

My bartendress helpfully pointed out that Monday night was $5 burger night, which presented somethin

Wait a minute. Isn t that why we elect these jokers called politicians in the first place? I mean, what are we paying them for if they can t decide whether or not a lingerie store should go up next to Tiny Tots Day Care ? We have to have a vote of the people for that?
That s why I choose to live in the United States of America, which is thankfully, not a democracy. No way am I letting the same brainless slackers who elected our current president vote to decide whether or not I can fly the Bonnie Blue in my front yard.
After putting 700 miles on my rental car while conducting three meetings in opposite corners of the expanse of the Sunshine State and wearing a suit for 15 hours straight, I was ready for something hawaii travel posters casual.
After checking in a 9pm, I walked out of my downtown hawaii travel posters hotel room wearing flip-flops, shorts and a North Turn Beach Bar Grille T-shirt from that shirt-buying-worthy joint located at the exact location on the beach in Daytona where NASCAR first raced in the 40s and 50s. (As you might imagine, Suit757 has quite an extensive hawaii travel posters collection of T-shirts.)
A casual, fishing-themed open air Florida beach bar strangely situated under th e shadows of downtown Fort Lauderdale s bank towers, Tarpon hawaii travel posters Bend featured landlocked surfer dudes in board shorts and more cleavage than the set of a Sports Illustrated Swimsuit hawaii travel posters shoot.
Unfortunately, Tarpon Bend had absolutely NOTHING interesting or remotely exotic on tap or in the bottle, so I opted for Yuengling, my default beer of choice. Floridians display a stunning lack of imagination when it comes to beer drinking yet another hawaii travel posters reason not to give them the power of democracy.
My bartendress helpfully pointed out that Monday night was $5 burger night, which presented something of a dilemma. What I really wanted hawaii travel posters was that when-in-Florida hawaii travel posters creation known as the fish reuben sandwich. But it was $12.
So, no way I m passing up $5 burgers. Especially, when the $5 burger special is the same 5/8 lb. (that s exactly half way between a half and three-quarter pounder for you mathematically-challenged) all-the-way Big Cheese Burger normally on the menu for $10.
The burger was five star, all the way -- juicy, perfectly cooked with top shelf toppings and bun. The generous portion of potato salad that came on the side was the home-made red skin potato kind. A lot of top-notch food for one lousy (war criminal) Lincoln.
As I wiped the last remnants of burger grease from my hands and arms, drank down my final Yuengling and strained to catch the baseball playoff score, I began to contemplate what life would be like in a true democracy .
I mean, just think, if everything in Florida were put to a vote of the people , they just might ban smoking on private property, outlaw pregnant pigs and bankrupt the state to pay off the teachers union.
Five Stars = Bought the Shirt! Four Stars = Seriously hawaii travel posters Thought About Buying Shirt Three Stars = Would Wear a FREE Shirt Two Stars = Wouldn't Wear Shirt if They Paid Me One Star = Clean Grill With Shirt

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