Monday, January 28, 2013

I've been following the American for Prosperity's "Stand with Walker" bus tour or is it the "Stand A

I've been following the American for Prosperity's "Stand with Walker" bus tour or is it the "Stand Against Spending -- Stand With Walker" bus tour through Wisconsin? It's amazing how they went from one name to the next. But it is truly AMAZING how they went from 1,000 signatures in support of Walker this morning to 115,000 signatures this evening. the sisterhood of the traveling pants the movie And they did it all in Northern Wisconsin where animals out number people!
"They can't necessarily come to Madison and protest," said Matt Seaholm. "We're hitting the sisterhood of the traveling pants the movie everywhere. with the purpose of letting people know that there are people in Wisconsin that are supporting Scott Walker and what the Republicans in the legislature are doing. . . .
Not much to report from the conservative Milwaukee newspaper as far as numbers in the crowd, but have no fear Americans for Prosperity people talk Milwaukee numbers at the next stop. But they do love "Joe the Plumber"!
A bus tour in support of Gov. Scott Walker and sponsored by Americans for Prosperity stopped at Serb Hall in Milwaukee over the noon hour Thursday, drawing supporters of the governor inside and protesters chanting "Kill the Bill!" outside.
Holding signs that said "Stand With Scott," the group cheered Joe the Plumber - full name, Joe Wurzelbacher - who told them it takes courage to stand up for their beliefs and support the governor's efforts to get rid of collective bargaining for public sector workers. Wurzelbacher said he hopes to move to Wisconsin in the next few years but was critical of organized labor. "It's a shame the unions will break this state apart."
This stop was a bit tricky. The original stop, Nino's Steak and Seafood said they canceled when they found out the reservation was political. After some adjustments the sisterhood of the traveling pants the movie with the location and the name of the bus tour -- it was "game on" as the bus rolled into the Seabird Restaurant, next to the Blue Harbor the sisterhood of the traveling pants the movie Resort and Conference the sisterhood of the traveling pants the movie Center.
The rally began with the "Stand Against Spending — Stand with Walker" bus tour stop. More than 200 supporters of Walker's budget plan were inside and several dozen more were left outside in the cold when the restaurant reached capacity.
The group's leadership includes David Koch. The businessman contributed to Walker's campaign and is the executive vice president of Koch Industries. He's the chairman of the AFP's foundation board. . . .
Coordinators say so far since the tour began, they've had around a thousand people sign a "Stand for Walker" petition. And they expect that number to at least double by the time they reach Madison on Sunday.
About 200 people gathered in support of Gov. Scott Walker in Wausau on Friday afternoon, berating the 14 Democratic state senators who left the state to stall the governor's budget repair bill and promising to stand behind Walker.
So hours after leaving the Green Bay Area with 1,000 signature in support of Walker and hoping for 2,000 by Sunday's arrival in Madison they stopped in Wausau to see 200 supporters. Please the sisterhood of the traveling pants the movie note that in 2000 Wausau had a population of 38,426. Then hours later they landed in Rhinelander the sisterhood of the traveling pants the movie with 115,000 signatures.
UPDATE: Rudy VA said in the comments that "Online petition at stand with which is where they claim the 100k+ number. Link includes what appears to be a letter from AFP-W with the details. The petition itself allows for sign ins from any state, but no way to tell if the 100k number is pared down from the world-wide number, or if it IS the world-wide number.
Civil Rights , community , Congress , Culture , Economy , Education , Elections , Energy the sisterhood of the traveling pants the movie , Environment , Health Care , International , Labor , Law , media , Meta , National Security , Science , Transportation , or White House .
Mogolori , oofer , tundraman , melo , decembersue , glitterscale , importer , KingOneEye , RonV , pHunbalanced , lost , madmsf , emal , Sprinkles , Emerson , karlpk , cici414 , Shockwave , LynChi , billlaurelMD , bramish , meg , OLinda , eeff , Mnemosyne , rubyr , Duncan Idaho , x , devtob , recentdemocrat , freelunch , WI Deadhead , lawnorder , DaveW , Creosote , davelf2 , regis , rasbobbo , housesella , Gustogirl , workersuntie , opinionated the sisterhood of the traveling pants the movie , joynow , 88kathy , TracieLynn , litho , annrose , understandinglife , jiffykeen , CoolOnion , highacidity , AlyoshaKaramazov , roses , samddobermann , JuliaAnn , felagund , limae , Miss Blue , sngmama , itskevin , fumie , semiot , ctsteve , Cedwyn , antirove , sidnora , nio , revsue , asterlil , VexingEyes the sisterhood of the traveling pants the movie , Er
Mnemosyne the sisterhood of the traveling pants the movie , davelf2 , mint julep , Cassandra77 , jiffykeen the sisterhood of the traveling pants the movie , splashy the sisterhood of the traveling pants the movie , antirove , Samer , defluxion10 , zerelda , mungley , WisVoter , bablhous , demkat620 , maybeeso in michigan , BadgerGirl , NoMoreLies , blueyedace2 , eru , PSzymeczek , Ice Blue , PinHole , mswsm , RiaD , sherlyle , Kimball Cross , Dvalkure , JVolvo , ER Doc , means are the ends , blueintheface the sisterhood of the traveling pants the movie , cpresley , karmsy , DvCM , Matt Z , frisbee , jayden , Rumarhazzit , GeorgeXVIII the sisterhood of the traveling pants the movie , NotGeorgeWill , elwior , Cassandra Waites , Jeff Y , Seamus D , Blogvirgin , Piren , DontTaseMeBro , banjolele , Nonconformist , Amber6541 , Eddie L , Otteray Scribe , rmabelis , Onomastic , I love OCD , vahana , createpeace , pensivelady , Imhotepsings , aerie star , Pinto Pony , OldDragon , Eric
mint julep , majcmb1 , phonegery , SLKRR , eru , Onomastic the sisterhood of the traveling pants the movie , WisVoter , elwior , Jeff Y , G2geek , x , Otteray Scribe , OleHippieChick , marykk , NMRed , MartyM , blueintheface , bigrivergal , M Sullivan , nika7k , sngmama , skohayes , ER Doc , Involuntary Exile , historys mysteries , progressivebadger , banjolele , Treg , splashy the sisterhood of the traveling pants the movie , lilsky , Cassandra77 , hwmnbn , Eddie L , OldGrammy , LynneK , CoyoteMarti , phrogge prince , cosette , Ice Blue , freelunch , frisbee , Matt Z , Cassandra Waites the sisterhood of the traveling pants the movie , Voodoo , glitterscale , Mnemosyne , fiddlingnero , karmsy , 207wickedgood , DEMonrat ankle biter , Woody , googie , lcrp , Rumarhazzit , Kinak , missliberties , Moderation , OldDragon , BadgerGirl , LarisaW , Gowrie Gal , DvCM , CoolOnion , PAblue
glitterscale , Mnemosyne , Woody , Cassandra77 , CoolOnion , NMRed , Samer , barbwires , walkshills , bablhous , libnewsie , joanneleon , maybeeso in michigan , historys mysteries the sisterhood of the traveling pants the movie , BadgerGirl , LarisaW , PSzymeczek , Ice Blue , PinHole , mswsm , JVolvo , ER Doc , MrJersey , zedaker , Picot verde , blueintheface , cpresley , DvCM , Matt Z , jayden , Bridge Master , elwior , Lujane , Cassandra Waites the sisterhood of the traveling pants the movie , Blogvirgin , Piren , 207wickedgood , DontTaseMeBro , angel d , Amber6541 , annominous , jared the bassplayer , pensivelady , Imhotepsings , DEMonrat ankle biter , OldDragon , Eric Nelson , nellgwen , radical simplicity , MartyM
tundraman , irmaly , emal , Sprinkles , cici414 , meg , Mnemosyne , freelunch , Woody , davelf2 , opinionated , joynow , Miss Blue , splashy , Samer , cosette , niteskolar , alizard , barbwires , walkshills , bablhous , Limelite , maybeeso in michigan , BadgerGirl , 3goldens , PAbluestater , Treg , NoMoreLies , panicbean , drewfromct , Kevskos , jimreyn , Ice Blue , mswsm , Shotput8 , myboo , tobendaro , JVolvo , IL clb , MrJersey , zedaker , shaharazade , Picot verde , cpresley , phonegery , ColoTim , FishOutofWater , DvCM , Matt Z , frisbee , jayden , millwood , Moderation , Bridge Master the sisterhood of the traveling pants the movie , Rumarhazzit , M Sullivan , VA Breeze , kafkananda , Involuntary Exile , bythesea , elwior , skohayes , Cassandra Waites , hwmnbn , pickandshovel , Blogvir
3/4/11......On Feb 18, 2010 Gov Walker was served with FOIA requests for 8,000 emails he cited during a press conference as overwhelmingly positive, urging him to "stay firm" with the unions. He followed that press conference up with another one wherein he cited that he had received over "19,000 positive emails" urging him to not budge from his position of stripping collective bargaining rights from the Wisconsin unions.
The state law says the administration must act "as soon as practicable and without delay" to respond to records requests. Neither the Governor nor his office has responded yet to the requests or provided information regarding their status, which lead the requesters to file a complaint to force the Governor to comply with the law .
meg , Mnemosyne , Woody , Creosote , Miss Blue , Samer , lcrp , alizard , bablhous , PAbluestater , LarisaW , Kevskos , PSzymeczek , Ice Blue , mswsm , JVolvo , means are the ends , cpresley , DvCM , jayden , millwood the sisterhood of the traveling pants the movie , Bridge Master , LynneK , elwior , Cassandra Waites , pickandshovel , Piren , DontTaseMeBro , Old Man from Scene 24 , bekosiluvu , Amber6541 , awcomeon , TimmyB , pensivelady the sisterhood of the traveling pants the movie , beforedawn , allergywoman , Mathazar , Eric Nelson , nellgwen , radical simplicity , MartyM , Kinak
meg , Woody , lcrp , walkshills , PAbluestater , PSzymeczek , Dvalkure , bluebrain , JVolvo , means are the ends , zedaker , cpresley , BR Janet , ColoTim , DvCM , millwood , elwior , Calamity Jean , Blogvirgin , DontTaseMeBro , Nonconformist , Amber6541 , leftywright , allergywoman , Eric Nelson , nellgwen , radical simplicity , Kinak
take time to hire someone to fake 19,000 emails with different email addresses the sisterhood of the traveling pants the movie etc. Lying in public about public document subject to FOIA requests is an expensive endeavor. the sisterhood of the traveling pants the movie But hey, the Kochs are billionaires and can afford to pay.
in really messed up world, they cannot recall this asswipe for on year. So, hopefully they get good experience recalling the 6 or 8 or whatever legislators they can due to lenghth of time in office and recall this asshole the minute his 1 year is up
Said contract to allow for citizens to elect auditors who will follow the Governor, have access to his papers, visitors and finances, including personal finances. At least two of said auditors to be nominated by the Unions.
glitterscale , Woody , bablhous , maybeeso in michigan , PAbluestater , PSzymeczek , jimreyn , mswsm , Terminus , JVolvo , Eikyu Saha , cpresley , DvCM , Matt Z , millwood , elwior , pickandshovel , Nonconformist , angel d , rmabelis , createpeace , allergywoman the sisterhood of the traveling pants the movie , radical simplicity
meg , Mnemosyne , Woody , CoolOnion , badlands , Miss Blue ,

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