While looking for plane tickets car rentals sanford fl for our move from Massachusetts to Vietnam, I really best value inn tarpon springs wanted to find an airline that would make traveling with a 17-month old a bit easier. Thankfully our employer booked discount car rentals maui us tickets with Japan Airlines, best value inn tarpon springs which has a lot of amenities for traveling with babies and young children. We flew on the 787 Dreamliner from Boston to Tokyo (13.5 hours) and then on a slightly smaller plane from Tokyo to Ho Chi Minh City (6.5 hours).
One of the reasons we were excited about traveling on JAL is that they provide a carseat for toddlers with booked best value inn tarpon springs seats. Babies without seats can still have bassinets, but the bassinets aren t big enough discount car rentals maui for toddlers. The carseat provided discount car rentals maui was a Britax one and was pretty comfortable.
car rentals sanford fl You need to request the seat at least three days before your flight, best value inn tarpon springs car rentals sanford fl and when you call you need to tell JAL the child s weight, discount car rentals maui height, and height car rentals sanford fl from waist to shoulder so the seat can be pre-adjusted for you. JAL will then call you back to let you know if the request has gone through. You can also bring your own carseat if you wish.
For children with a booked seat JAL offers three different types of meals, a baby meal for infants car rentals sanford fl up to 8 months, a baby meal for infants car rentals discount car rentals maui sanford fl 9 months and older, or a child meal. The baby meal s we got were perfect for him. They included sticky best value inn tarpon springs rice, vegetables, a banana, yogurt, a brownie and a muffin. Once he got a child meal instead of a baby meal, and that one included pasta and chicken as the main dish. Gabriel car rentals sanford fl wasn t so crazy about that one, but he did eat some of it.
JAL pre-boards families discount car rentals maui with young children. In Boston, a stewardess actually came to find us about 30 minutes before best value inn tarpon springs regular boarding. discount car rentals maui Gabriel had had an I need a nap meltdown going through security, so he conked out right afterward and we let him sleep there as opposed to walking all the way to the gate. JAL staff were concerned about us, so they came looking for us, helped us get the stroller gate-checked, car rentals sanford fl and made sure the carseat was ready so Gabriel could stay asleep while we boarded. Amazing.
During our 2.5 hour layover car rentals sanford fl in Tokyo, discount car rentals maui we found a nursery room that was perfect for breastfeeding, preparing car rentals sanford fl bottles and diaper changing. There were four separate stations for nursing moms that could be closed off with curtains. Everything was really clean, and the nursing chairs were comfortable.
Before traveling, we called JAL to request a diaper pack. For each flight, they gave us two Genki diapers discount car rentals maui size Large and two plastic bags for disposal. This was great because car rentals sanford fl it was four less diapers we had to pack in our carry ons. All JAL planes have changing tables in the bathroom.
I d highly recommend car rentals sanford fl JAL for travel with babies and kids! We will definitely be using JAL again, as they offer the most direct flight from Saigon to Boston. Every other airline does the route in three flights, while JAL does it in two.
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