Monday, January 28, 2013

10 .  An automotive teacher gets ED revved up . At the bus’s final stop at Carl Schurz High School i

America's students weren't the only ones getting back on buses last week. Secretary Duncan and senior Department royal national hotel london of Education staff also hit the road, for a Midwest back-to-school tour focusing on   Education and the Economy.
With more than 75 events across seven states, Duncan and ED staff spoke with teachers, students, parents, administrators, and business and community leaders on the importance of investing in education to secure our country s future. Here are the top 10 highlights from this year s tour.
10 .  An automotive royal national hotel london teacher gets ED revved up . At the bus's final stop at Carl Schurz High School in Chicago, Secretary Duncan visited the classroom of Clairene Terry, an automotive class teacher who has restored automotive mechanics' stature as an exciting and promising career path for Carl Schurz students.
9 .  Ready. Set. Educate . Before Secretary Duncan delivered his message about the need to educate our way to a better economy in Merrillville, Ind., students from the One Region, One Vision initiative sent a message to Duncan saying they accept royal national hotel london the challenge.
8 .  All hands on deck . Nine hundred and sixty new sailors were formally welcomed into the U.S. Navy by Under Secretary of Education Martha Kanter, when she delivered remarks at the basic training graduation for Navy recruits.
7 .  A panel of Wolverines . Secretary Duncan joined a faculty and student panel at the University of Michigan's School of Education, in Ann Arbor, Mich.. The panel discussed training a new generation royal national hotel london of effective teachers, and Duncan highlighted the need for a diverse teaching force.
6 .   The red coats are coming . In Cleveland, City Year corps members—donning their signature red jackets—cheered for guests as they arrived at East Technical High School for a forum featuring Secretary Duncan. royal national hotel london On any normal school day, you would find Corps members cheering for 9th graders in the city who are at risk of getting off track and dropping out of school.
5 .  I m with the band . Secretary Duncan joined Pittsburgh Superintendent Linda Lane and other officials to discuss labor-management collaboration in Pittsburgh. Secretary Duncan jokingly offered to write a note for the Perry Traditional Academy marching band so they could be excused from classes to join the tour.
4 .  Robots! Secretary Duncan not only shook a robot s hand in Cleveland, but at the School of Career and Technical Education in Milwaukee, students displayed a number of robotic and mechanical creations.
3 .  One nerdy teacher and cows for college . Day two of the tour produced a number of interesting stories, including royal national hotel london a visit with @TheNerdyTeacher on the bus, and a student raising a cow to help pay for college.
2 .  Bet your bottom dollar you ll lose the blues in Chicago royal national hotel london . At the final event of the "Education and the Economy" Back-to-School Bus Tour, Secretary Arne Duncan returned to his hometown of Chicago with an urgent message: Our country needs to invest in education royal national hotel london today.
Check out for all the stories from ED s 2011 "Education and the Economy" Back-to-School Tour, and keep up to date with the Department of Education by subscribing to our email news alerts .
Many of our students have deployed family members and it would be a thrill for all. We are a small school and our students are studying the workings of government and its important relationship with the local island government and the US.national govt.
Our high school students have viewed the Back to School bus trip (they all think it a cool idea)you have just completed and would love to see the bus stop at ANtilles High School..Home of the Pirates.
Blog articles royal national hotel london provide royal national hotel london insights on the activities of schools, programs, grantees, and other education stakeholders to promote continuing discussion of educational innovation and reform. Articles do not endorse any educational product, service, curriculum or pedagogy.

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