Monday, June 25, 2012

Rep. Judd is getting an inordinate amount of pressure from some of the chambers of commerce located

In response to a bill sponsored by AZ state Rep. Peggy Judd (R-Dist 25) the The Periódico articles against helicopter tours of grand canyon de la República de Arizona (Arizona Republic) articles against helicopter tours of grand canyon prints this report with the comment section mysteriously closed.  However articles against helicopter tours of grand canyon it links directly to the Nogales International article which includes this tidbit:
" The reality is that border communities continue to be among the safest communities in the state and the nation articles against helicopter tours of grand canyon to live," reads a letter from the Greater Nogales Santa Cruz County Port Authority that was sent to Judd and other state political leaders on Monday. articles against helicopter tours of grand canyon "Yet, border communities end up living with the consequences of irrational news headlines and political rhetoric. "
Sonora : Nogales articles against helicopter tours of grand canyon and Puerto Peñasco are the major cities/travel destinations in Sonora. You should articles against helicopter tours of grand canyon defer non-essential travel between the city of Nogales and the cities of Sonoyta and Caborca (which area also includes the smaller cities of Saric, Tubutama, and Altar), defer non-essential travel to the eastern edge of the State of Sonora which borders the State of Chihuahua (all points along that border east of the northern city of Agua Prieta and the southern town of Alamos), defer non-essential travel within the state south of the city of Ciudad Obregon with the exception articles against helicopter tours of grand canyon of travel to Alamos (traveling only during daylight hours and using only the Highway 15 toll road, aka cuota, and Sonora State Road 162), and exercise caution when visiting the coastal town of Puerto Peñasco.  Sonora is a key region in the international drug and human trafficking trades, and can be extremely dangerous for travelers.  The region west of Nogales, east of Sonoyta, and from Caborca north, including the towns of Saric, Tubutama articles against helicopter tours of grand canyon and Altar, and the eastern edge of Sonora bordering Chihuahua, are known centers of illegal activity.  U.S. citizens visiting Puerto Peñasco are urged to use the Lukeville, Arizona/Sonoyta, Sonora border crossing, in order to limit driving through Mexico, and to limit travel to main roads during daylight hours .
The intent of HB 2586 is to clarify rumors and fears about immigration-related threats and would require articles against helicopter tours of grand canyon Arizona s Department of Homeland Security director to immediately warn the public about dangers involving illegal immigration specifically in border areas.
Yet Rep. Peggy Judd is taking so much heat for her bill that she has agreed to alter the language, taking the onus off of the border and making it statewide to comport with political correctness rather than safety.  We urge her to reconsider.  She got it right with her original effort.
Judd has now dropped the bill because of pressure from Mexico, Mexicans in her district and their interests. It is clear Peggy Judd does not represent the Americans who elected her.  She needs to be replaced.
This entry was posted on Friday, March 9th, 2012 at 2:51 pm and is filed under Arizona issues , Arizona Politics , Crime , Illegal Immigration , Legislative Issues , Political Correctness . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed.
I agree. Passing a bill with gutted intent is ridiculous. We nead legislators who can stand up to the naysayers and educate them as to the purpose. Passing another bad bill to accomodate the PC crowd is just another nail in our coffin and another meaningless articles against helicopter tours of grand canyon law on the books.
Linda Bentley of the Sonoran News? If so, I consider you a heroine for bold reporting, not jockeying the news to suit a liberal bias. Nice to see you here with the conservative base! Nice also to see that we are all in agreement that Rep. Peggy Judd should stand firm with her commitment to the border. Falling under the wheels of the PC train will do nothing to improve the border situation. Please rethink this unwise decision, Ms. Judd.
This is a foolish move for the border Rep to make. By caving into the demands of the open border proponents, she is disappointing AZ citizens and allowing us to continue to be at unnecessary risk in order to placate the Mexican government. articles against helicopter tours of grand canyon WE need protection.
Stay with the program. If you double back on this bill and allow yourself to be bullied, your reputation as a fighter for your constituents will be irreparably marred. You were on the right path. There is no fork in this road. Don t retreat.
All of the comments posted here support the original bill, Rep. Judd. You were definitely articles against helicopter tours of grand canyon on the right track. Why are you willing to blow a hole through this commendable legislation? I ve always believed that our first inclinations articles against helicopter tours of grand canyon are the wisest. The more ideas are massaged and other advice is sought, the more sullied they can become. I would counsel you to have a spine and stay the course. Our borders are a mess and the pointed messages from the US Department of State included in the post verify that fact.
You were elected to represent the citizens of your border district, NOT Mexican interests. Regardless of the blather in the Nogales newspaper, the border is not safe. Thanks to Seeing Red AZ for the link to our own federal government s site showing the truth of the situation. And it doesn t take a genius to realize the Obama administration takes no joy in having to alert Americans to this terrible truth. If even THEY acknowledge this fact, how do you justify backing your legislation away from it? I m also disappointed in your spinelessness. You have me Seeing Red!
Ditto to all of the above. Rep. Judd needs to stand tall with her original legislation. What a sad commentary that she is backing down. The Repulsive article says leaders in some Arizona border communities have been stepping up their opposition articles against helicopter tours of grand canyon to your bill. Who are these leaders? And some towns means nothing to me. You are an elected leader with an actual constituency. Act like it!
Rep. Judd is getting an inordinate amount of pressure from some of the chambers of commerce located in southern articles against helicopter tours of grand canyon AZ. The president of the Tubac Chamber sent out a scathing e-mail deriding articles against helicopter tours of grand canyon the bill and has been joined by the Nogales Chamber, both chambers are pressuring the Green Valley/Sahuarita chamber to join them in their opposition. This past Tuesday was chamber day at the legislature and believe me some of the chamber reps took full advantage of their opportunity. Let Rep. Judd know about your support because right now those in opposition are definitely letting her hear from them.

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