Taking a stroll down the cobblestone paved streets of St. Augustine puts one in the mood for experiencing the oldest city in America, and all of its rich history. I felt as though I was actually taking a trip back in time when I turned the first corner and took one of the local tours . The lives of the first settlers to St. Augustine were quite different from our lives. They had to struggle to live in a hostile environment. These were times when pirates were very real, and there were frequent battles fought over sovereignty of this possession. These early settlers possessed an undaunted spirit and endured travel bug inc colorado much to live here. In 1565, Don Pedro Menendez de Aviles, was given instructions to explore travel bug inc colorado and colonize the territory of Florida. Menendez was also instructed to drive out any pirates or settlers from other nations. Subsequently, Menendez destroyed the French garrison on the St. John's River and, with the assistance of a hurricane, defeated the French fleet. These events left the coast of Florida firmly in Spanish control. Menendez then began the work of building a settlement and establishing missions to convert the Indians. The amazing historic fact is that St. Augustine was founded forty-two years before the English colonized America at Jamestown and fifty-five years before the Pilgrims landed at Plymouth Rock in Massachusetts.
It was not until 1763 when Spain ceded Florida to England that the British gained control of Florida. This period coincided with the American Revolution. In 1783, Florida was returned to Spanish rule. The Spanish departed for the last time when Spain sold Florida to the United States. Finally, Florida became an American Possession and Spain relinquished control of Florida forever.
Soon after The United States occupied St. Augustine, a yellow fever epidemic swept through the population and brought death to many doors. The Seminole Indians turned to warfare over their displacement. These uprisings culminated in the Spanish War of 1836 which ended with the Seminole War. Florida became the twenty-seventh state to be admitted to the Union. St. Augustine prospered until the Civil War outbreak in 1861. Florida travel bug inc colorado was occupied by Union troops through most of the conflict. By the end of the Civil War, St. Augustine travel bug inc colorado was now three hundred years old.
The next era in St. Augustine's history saw speculators and all sorts of land developers flocking to Florida. Thus began the fledgling tourist industry. In the 1880's Henry Flagler and his railroad brought real changes with development and tourist travel. Flagler developed St. Augustine as a major tourist destination for the leisure travel bug inc colorado traveler. It was during the Flagler era that St. Augustine enjoyed the distinction of being a sought travel bug inc colorado after destination travel bug inc colorado for the leisure travel and life. Enticed by the city's mild climate and unique ambiance, Flagler realized the potential of this city as a popular travel bug inc colorado winter resort and playground for the very wealthy Northerners. John D. Rockefeller was quick to help put his vast fortune to work building the dream. Two lavish hotels travel bug inc colorado were constructed, the Alcazar and the Ponce de Leon. North Beach and Anastasia Island were developed and became popular destinations for the new tourist trade. These hotels brought the wealthiest of travelers to the luxurious lodgings and the Florida East Coast Railway delivered these gilded guests from New York and other Northern destinations. In addition to a two story depot to properly receive these guests, travel bug inc colorado Flagler also built the town's hospital, city hall, and several travel bug inc colorado churches. Yacht racing became popular with the winter residents.
travel bug inc colorado Flagler realized his dream of expansion south to Palm Beach where he moved in the early 1900's, but before moving on, Flagler forever changed travel bug inc colorado St. Augustine. The wealthiest visitor's found plenty to do in St. Augustine in the 1900's. Today there is even more to do in this ancient city. There are many tours to learn about the history of St. Augustine as well as its secrets. One of the secrets is the haunted portions of the city. Guided tours can acquaint you with the paranormal as well as the European charms of St. Augustine. Ride in a hearse courtesy of the St. Augustine Ghost Tours and visit the haunted pubs. You never know who you may see on one of these tours. travel bug inc colorado Old Henry Flagler, himself might just be visiting to see how his dream is evolving. Or perhaps John D. Rockefeller might just be imbibing in his favorite travel bug inc colorado drink beside you that evening.
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