Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Oklahoma remarkably low unemployment rate of 6.2 percent for a state that is among the nation's poor

On Thursday, Houck joined Democratic U.S. Sens. Charles Schumer of New York and Barbara Boxer of California at an announcement in Washington that five of the biggest names in car rentals nationwide have agreed to support legislation discounts on expediacom travel purchases that would make it illegal to lease recalled discounts on expediacom travel purchases vehicles.
Raechel, 24, and Jacqueline Houck, 20, were killed in a 2004 head-on crash when a power steering hose defect in a Chrysler PT Cruiser caused a fire and the car ran out of control. The Enterprise rental was under a safety recall but hadn't been fixed.
"This historic discounts on expediacom travel purchases agreement will be a major improvement in auto safety, particularly since rental car companies are the largest purchases of new vehicles in the nation," a coalition of consumer groups discounts on expediacom travel purchases and relatives said in a statement.
Oklahoma remarkably low unemployment rate of 6.2 percent for a state that is among the nation's poorest. The poverty rate of 17.2 percent discounts on expediacom travel purchases has inched up each year from the 2008 rate of 15.9 percent. The low median income suggests a need for higher paying jobs as Oklahoma relies heavily on agricultural production. Also, government and military, which tend to be low-paying jobs, account for the highest percentage of jobs in the state. But Oklahoma is also a major producer of oil and gas. Growth in the energy sector, discounts on expediacom travel purchases which tends to pay more, would help improve on Oklahoma's median income of $43,225.
South Carolina has been hit harder than many states by the recent discounts on expediacom travel purchases economic downturn. The state's sizable tourism industry has slowed as families cut back on vacations. The state's 10.3 percent unemployment rate in 2011 was well above the 8.9 percent national rate. South Carolina's poverty rate of 18.9 percent was the ninth highest in the U.S. and significantly higher than the national rate of 15.9 percent. Moreover, approximately discounts on expediacom travel purchases 6.5 percent of families made less than $10,000 a year, the fifth highest proportion in the country. Meanwhile, only 2.9 percent of families made more than $200,000 a year, the sixth-lowest discounts on expediacom travel purchases rate in the country.
Last year, 7.2 percent of families in New Mexico earned less than $10,000, a larger proportion than in any state but Mississippi and Louisiana. In addition, 21.5 percent of residents lived below the poverty line, well above the national rate of 15.9 percent. As a result of poverty and limited job benefits, discounts on expediacom travel purchases many New Mexicans cannot afford health insurance. Last year, 19.8 percent discounts on expediacom travel purchases of the state's residents were uninsured. This was significantly higher than the national rate of 15.1 percent even though the cost of healthcare in New Mexico was slightly below the national average.
Louisiana is located at the center of the poorest region in the country -- the Deep South along the gulf coast. When Hurricane Katrina struck the region discounts on expediacom travel purchases in 2005, the southern part of the state was decimated, particularly the city of New Orleans. Six years later, the city was still recovering with almost 17 percent of families earning less than $10,000 per year, more than triple the national rate of 5.1 percent. By many measures, conditions are actually getting worse in the state. As of 2011, for the first time since Katrina, more than one in five residents lived below the poverty line, only slightly better than Mississippi and New Mexico. Louisiana's median income fell by more than the country as a whole, falling more than $2,000 between 2010 and 2011.
In Tennessee some 6.1 percent of families, or about a third of families in poverty, made less than $10,000 in 2012, a percentage point higher than the national figure. Poverty in many of Tennessee's largest cities is even worse than the state as a whole. In Memphis, the state's largest city, 27.2 percent of the population lived below the poverty line, including 13.1 percent discounts on expediacom travel purchases of households earning less than $10,000 a year. In Chattanooga, discounts on expediacom travel purchases 28.7 percent of the population lived below the poverty line, including 16.3 percent of households earning less than $10,000 annually. While the state's median income was lower than most, Tennessee had the second-lowest overall cost of living in and the lowest cost of living for housing among all states in 2011.
In 2011, Alabama's median income was more than $9,000 below the nation's discounts on expediacom travel purchases median income, discounts on expediacom travel purchases while 6.4 percent of families lived off less than $10,000 a year -- higher than in all but five states. For the second year in a row, Alabama's poverty rate was 19 percent, remaining discounts on expediacom travel purchases more than three percentage points above the national rate. Despite struggling with poverty, only 14.3 percent of Alabamians did not have health insurance last year -- slightly better discounts on expediacom travel purchases than the national figure of 15.1 percent. It is likely that Alabama's cheap health care-the least expensive in the country for the fourth quarter of 2011-resulted in more insured residents.According to Gallup, since August of 2011 almost 23 percent of state residents reported discounts on expediacom travel purchases not having enough money to buy food at least once.
Kentucky's unemployment rate of 9.5 percent, while not as high as states such as South Carolina and Mississippi, was well above the national rate of 8.9 percent. The employment discounts on expediacom travel purchases rate will likely stay high in the near future as mining, a major industry in Kentucky, has declined in the past year due to a drop in natural gas prices. Severe poverty plagues the state, as 6.9 percent of families earned less than $10,000 in 2011, the fourth lowest of all states. Meanwhile, a mere 3 percent of Kentucky families earned more than $200,000 a year, the seventh-lowest rate in the country. Fortunately for those with lower incomes, Kentucky has the fourth-lowest cost of living in the U.S., including the second-lowest cost of living for groceries.
discounts on expediacom travel purchases While the national median household income fell to $50,502 in 2011, Arkansas was just one of three states where median income remained below $40,000 for the year. Despite an unemployment rate of 8 percent in 2011, nearly one percentage point below the national rate, the 19.5% of families lived below the poverty line, one of the nation's highest rates. Poverty was slightly less of a problem in Little Rock, the state's largest city, which had a 16.4 percent poverty rate and a median income of $40,976. Despite having the third-lowest cost of health care nationwide at the end of 2011, 17.1 percent of residents lived without health insurance last year-well above the national figure of 15.1 percent.
West Virginia's median income of $38,482 was well off the median income of $40,093 in 2007. The state's unemployment rate of 8 percent was well below the 8.9 percent nationwide. But, like Kentucky, a softening mining sector in 2012 could weaken discounts on expediacom travel purchases West Virginia's economy. The proportion of West Virginia residents without health insurance grew 4.9 percent, the third-largest increase in the U.S. Fortunately for cash-strapped residents, although discounts on expediacom travel purchases the state's overall cost of living is in the middle of the pack compared to all other states, the cost of groceries is the third lowest in the country.
The median income of the poorest state in the country, Mississippi, was just slightly less than 53 percent of the median income of Maryland, the richest state. discounts on expediacom travel purchases Mississippi's median income-like many states- fell each year between 2008 and 2011, dropping $2,677 during that time. Not only did Mississippi have the highest poverty rate in the country, but 7.8 percent of Mississippi families made less than $10,000 in 2011, which was also the lowest discounts on expediacom travel purchases rate in the country. While unemployment declined in most states between 2010 and 2011, Mississippi's actually rose 0.2 percentage points, discounts on expediacom travel purchases one of only two states to see an increase in unemployment.
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