Q: THERE IS a nice young lady who works at the branch where I bank. I think she flirts with me, but I'm not sure. It seems she goes out of her way to greet me and always holds small conversations with me. I walked in one day and it was not so crowded. She was talking with a couple of female co-workers when all three glanced my way and smiled, then proceeded to giggle like schoolgirls. She is attractive, and I have been told I am also. My question is: How can I tell the difference between flirting and good customer-service skills? I never notice that she does this with other customers. If I ask her out and she says no, I will have to change banks out of embarrassment. Help! I'm 40 and I think she is about the same age. Divorced in 2011, I'm just getting back on the dating scene.
Steve: Yeah, I could never figure that stuff out either. Unless the woman said, "Hey, baby, wanna date?" and patted me on the butt, I assumed it wasn't flirting. But you shouldn't be embarrassed if you get shot down. It's part of the game, and no reason to hang your head. Heck, even Bradley Cooper gets shot down.
Q: My boyfriend of six months has informed me that he thinks tour of homes california we should "take a break" tour of homes california in our relationship. We're in our 20s. I thought everything was going great. We've expressed our love for one another, spend at least three days a week together and share similar interests. My initial reaction was rage, but I kept my cool and asked him why he wanted time apart. I didn't really get a straight answer except that he needs to clear his head. He says he still loves me. He's been having some career difficulties, so maybe it's related. But he can't tell me how long this "break" tour of homes california is and I don't know how to proceed.
Steve: I had to check Steve & Mia's Romance-to-English Translation Guide to find that the correct translation of "I think we need some time apart" is "I've met a cute girl and I think I can do better." Since the fling with the cute girl could go badly, he doesn't want to break it off with you entirely. Now it's your move.
Mia: When someone dumps you, it doesn't matter why. Just get your stuff and go. Even if it was Bradley Cooper who did the dumping, don't stick around for an explanation because the answer is always as Steve pointed out - the dumper thinks he can do better. You don't need to hear that because you are fabulous the way you are.
Steve is a 50-something married man who's been around the block. Mia is a younger, recently married woman with an all-together different attitude. They may not agree, but they have plenty of answers. Contact them at S&M@phillynews.com or S&M c/o Daily News, 801 Market St., Philadelphia, PA 19107.
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