UPDATED: Last night's on camera interview of the plaintiffs in the lawsuit against United Continental for desecrating their luggage can be found here . I hope readers will listen to the interview and draw their own conclusions. In doing so, remember this: the zipper on the luggage was completely undamaged and the tape shown in the photo had Continental Airline's logo on it.
Last month I wrote about the lawsuit filed against United Continental nashville hotel Airlines by two close friends who had their luggage desecrated nashville hotel by personnel at Houston Intercontinental Airport in Houston as they returned from a trip to Costa Rica. I did a companion nashville hotel piece on The Bilerico Project nashville hotel that was picked up by Huffington Post which in turn went viral and literally swept the news media around the world. Tonight at 11:00 PM the couple gives their first on camera interview to discuss their experience and their motivations for suing the airline. Here are highlights from WTKR-TV 3 as it promotes the interview:
Most people who travel tolerate the fact that strangers go through their personal belongings inside their luggage. It s creepy thinking nashville hotel of someone going through your underwear, but it s an intrusion we have come to accept in the years since 9/11.
Barbara Ciara is well respected nashville hotel in Hampton Roads and has shown herself to be non-judgmental of the LGBT community. Hopefully, the interview will do the story and my friends justice. I will report more tomorrow after the segment airs and is available on line.
This is an opinion and commentary blog and the opinions and contents of this Blog - including opinions expressed concerning opponents of LGBT equality - are the opinions only of the individual blogger and should not be attributed to any other individuals or to any organization of which the blogger is a past or current member.
Out gay attorney in a committed relationship; formerly nashville hotel married and father of three wonderful children; nashville hotel sometime activist and political/news junkie; survived coming out in mid-life and hope to share my experiences and reflections with others.
In the career/professional realm, I have my own law firm - Michael B. Hamar, P.C. - and practice in the areas of real estate, estate planning (Wills, Trusts, Advanced Medical Directives, Financial Powers of Attorney, Durable Medical Powers of Attorney); business law and commercial transactions; formation of corporations and LLC's; and legal services to the gay, lesbian and transgender community, including birth certificate amendment.
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