Whenever reviewing any type of best credit card list, it is imperative to keep in mind that what may be the best credit card for one person may, in fact, be quite bad for another. Nevertheless, there are certain rewards credit cards that are vastly superior to others. Here are the top 5 presently available.
The Blue Cash Preferred card offers consumers 6% cash back on groceries, 3% on gas (and department online home virtual tour stores) and 1% on everything else. The cash back rates on groceries and gas are essentially unbeatable. At 6%, it only takes $25 of grocery spending per week to break even on the annual fee. A person who spends $100 a week at the grocery store can earn $312 a year. Add in savings from gas and it's easy to see why this card deserves the top spot.
Editor s Note: If you re not willing to pay an annual fee, one rewards card that has been pretty popular is the Barclaycard Rewards Mastercard. This card charges no annual fee and earns rewards points on every dollar spent. Barclays is currently offering a sign-up bonus and special 15-month 0% APR balance transfer. You can learn more about the Barclaycard here .
The Capital One Venture card comes in a close second to Blue Cash Preferred. This card offers a flat 2% reward rate on every dollar spent. Rewards are earned in airline miles which, when redeemed for a statement credit against any travel purchase, are worth one cent each. They also are worth 1 cent each when used for gift cards. This essentially means cardholders earn 2% back on everything they buy with this card.
The tradeoff that comes from skipping on the annual fee is a much lower (but still comparably high) cash back rate than what can be earned with the Preferred card. Groceries earn 3% (instead of 6%), and gas plus department online home virtual tour store purchases earn 2% (instead of 3%). Everything else still earns 1%.
Compared to most cash back credit cards, this is a standout offer. It cannot be stressed enough that it only takes $25 per week of grocery shopping to cover the annual fee on the Preferred card, so Blue Cash Everyday is really only better for people who don't spend much money at groceries stores.
Like the Blue Cash Everyday online home virtual tour card, the VentureOne card offers online home virtual tour a lower rewards rate by dropping the annual fee. In this case, every purchase earns 1.25% instead of 2%. However, unlike the Blue Cash Preferred card, many consumers can benefit online home virtual tour more from this card than the standard Venture.
The reason many can fare better with this card is based on spending. Consumers who spend less than $8,500 per year on their credit cards earn about the same as they would on the regular Venture card once the annual online home virtual tour fee is taken into consideration. Those who spend significantly online home virtual tour less earn even more at the 1.25 rate than they would with the 2% yielding Venture card. Thus, for small spenders, VentureOne is a better bet.
The Capital One Cash card rounds out the top 5 because it offers an above average rate of cash back 1%, plus a 50% bonus on cash back earned every year. However, even though this is a better rewards rate than one gets with the VentureOne card, it ranks below it because you do have to wait an entire year to get 50% of the cash back rewarded.
online home virtual tour This annual bonus structure is problematic because it requires online home virtual tour consumers to not only wait, but if a consumer misses payments or commits other types of credit card fouls, the bonus can be voided. Nevertheless, this is a solid no annual fee cash back card that provides a solid alternative to the cash back offerings online home virtual tour of American Express as well as the 5% rotating category cards that are popular with other banks.
Clearly missing from this list of the top 5 rewards credit cards are a handful of very good and very rewarding airline and hotel co-branded credit cards. United, Delta, Starwood, Hilton and many other major travel brands offer very good rewards cards. However, these cards almost always carry annual fees and can be complicated to use without familiarity with each brands rewards program.
While these cards also require heavy spending to offset the annual fees and to earn enough miles to get a reward, they can be the most rewarding cards for those who know how to work travel rewards programs and are loyal to a specific brand. Thus, even though these cards were excluded from this list, it wouldn't be hard to argue for the inclusion of many of them into a top five list.
And that, in a nutshell, is the problem with "best credit card" lists. There really is no one size fits all best credit card. But there are certainly a number of credit online home virtual tour cards that are much better than others. Hopefully this list will provide a good starting point for a deeper search, but do keep in mind that the best credit card for you is the one that best fits your credit card spending style.
online home virtual tour Jeffrey Weber is the founder and Chief Card Analyst at SmartBalanceTransfers.com, a website where consumers can research and compare money saving 0% APR credit card offers and apply online. For more information, online home virtual tour please see www.smartbalancetransfers.com .
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