Monday, November 26, 2012

Clearly - there are STILL some people out there who need to read the extensive material at Performan

Auckland mayor says high cost of housing a complex issue , sees answers in past cheap-loan approaches, and by working with developers, banks, travel to south africa and the building industry. Wants to see intensification. Your view? |
Auckland mayor says high cost of housing a complex issue , sees answers in past cheap-loan approaches, and by working with developers, banks, and the building industry. Wants to see intensification. Your view?
The commission travel to south africa cited land availability as the chief constraint facing the housing market. Restricting land does have an impact on housing costs and increasing travel to south africa land supply does place downward pressure on the housing market.
Opening up new greenfield land loads higher costs onto society including local and central government (the true cost of development is not charged) and it will not provide housing for a substantial proportion of current and future Auckland households.
The current average Auckland house price is $618,000. Another 30 per cent will need a dwelling in the $275,000 to $375,000 range. travel to south africa The remaining travel to south africa 40 per cent will be unlikely to afford a dwelling at all, and will need affordable rental accommodation.
We now have broad consensus that the way forward is the creation of an affordable, quality, compact city that gives Aucklanders housing choice through mixed density development on greenfield and brownfield sites inside the new Rural Urban Boundary, and greenfield sites in satellite towns such as Warkworth and Pukekohe.
Perhaps some of the answers lie in the past. From the 1930s, successive governments provided support for people to enter the housing market through State Advances loans. They don t exist anymore but many argue that such low interest loans are the only way some first home buyers will ever get into the market.
Also, the council through its Housing Strategic Action Plan is looking at how it could use its land assets to develop housing, including affordable housing, through partnerships with community housing, private and government sectors.
travel to south africa We must work sensitively with communities and take individual family and wider community needs into account. People should not be displaced from the communities travel to south africa they often have lived in for years - community development is not something you do to people, it is something you do with them.
We welcome your help to improve our coverage of this issue. Any examples or experiences to relate? Any links to other news, data or research to shed more light on this? Any insight or views on what might happen next or what should happen next? Any errors to correct?
We welcome your comments below. travel to south africa If you are not already registered, please register to comment in the box on the right or click on the Register link at the bottom of the comments. Remember we welcome robust, respectful and insightful debate. We don t welcome abusive or defamatory comments and will de-register those repeatedly making these comments.
Um err... Um... Actually we haven't got a clue what we need to do, so we'll make a decisive decision immediately and for the long term... We'll wring our hands, tut tut any suggestions, and do NOTHING!
It is simply a matter of following the numbers to ascertain why housing travel to south africa exceeds 3.0 times annual household incomes, as this year s Annual Demographia International Housing Affordability Survey ( refer ) clearly illustrates.
A clear (not to ideologiically impaired politicians still in denial it would appear) Definition of an Affordable Housing travel to south africa Market is at Performance Urban Planning . The solutions with respect to Christchurch are set out within (section 4) Christchurch: The Way Forward .
Hugh do you ever speak with Bob Jones. He maintains there are no human rights. I have to figure that tt is nice and convenient for the likes of him to do just that - to justify not having to acknowledge that, a) there is serious inequality in this country and, b) it is a bad thing
Drastic measures are now going to have to be taken. To my mind the first is dealing travel to south africa with the one big factor that is skewing Auckland and subsequently, everywhere else, prices and that is the cashed up foreign buyers. My preference would be that it just became illegal for them to purchase without travel to south africa residency as a bottom line.
Then we may have to revisit things similar to the old State Advances Loan. It would be much much more preferable to have people in what is, or eventually will be, their own home. People with a decent stake in society travel to south africa help create a decent society. Renting is really not an option in this country, you are just a means for someone travel to south africa else to line their pockets with most of your income, only to be told you can t do this you can t do that, and at any monent the person who owns the house could sell it or otherwise reclaim it.
After WW11 they put the stuff in place for about $US100 per square metre ALL Up and today - some 60+ years later - new starter stock is going in on the fringes of the affordable UK markets travel to south africa for about $US600 to $US700 per square travel to south africa metre ALL UP.
Clearly - there are STILL some people out there who need to read the extensive material at Performance Urban Planning ...... particulatly the Highlighted Articles Section. This website will be updated in the next couple of days as well.
Denying people the opportunity to affordable housing, just beecause Local Governments have lost control of their costs and are failing to meet their infrastructure responsibilities to their communities, is not acceptable.
And is not ethically acceptable for people to collude to shut off the supply of affordable travel to south africa housing - just so they can rig the market travel to south africa and artificially inflate the price of existing stock. People who engage in this reprehensible commercial behaviour should properly be required to serve lengthy jail sentences.
Hugh, please can you or someone else explain WHY no one wants to do anything about the ridiculous house prices in Auckland? To a certain extent I can accept travel to south africa bureaucratic incompetence in Christchurch, but the high level of 'lack of interest' in Auckland is mind boggling! It almost smacks of skullduggery... or am I being too cynical?
In short, like most ponzi schemes. It only works if it keeps going. Foreign buyers coming in help fuel it for their own reasons but this does not alter the fact that it is in many peoples best interest to keep the prices going up. Councils earn fees and development levies, agents earn commission, Govt. collects GST, developers profit is based on a % of outlay, Vendors want to sell for more than they purchased for. All these groups benefit if prices continue to rise and restricting supply helps all this.
Basic human decency seems to be lacking in too many people now, and I am afraid I have to insist that the foreigners skewing the market have got to be dealt with (along with the other stuff of course) . We leave this to its own devices at our further peril
Len Brown makes some points that on the surface seem reasonable. He says there are thousands of greenfield travel to south africa sites available now, but they are not being built on because the maths don t add up. If he s right that there are many thousands of such sites (he hasn t quantified how many), then that does support travel to south africa the idea that land availability alone is not the issue. Sure open up new farmland, so long as roads, water, sewerage etc are paid for by the developers (he seems to suggest the current system does not enforce that scenario), but if they do pay, then presumably the maths still does not work.
He seems to agree with a separate point that you make; that house building costs here are outrageously high. It may not be within the council travel to south africa s remit to fix that and I m not sure you have really cracked it with the Levitt story.
One suspects the building supply industry needs some very strong disintermediation, and scale is also required by more than a duopoly of Fletchers and a couple of other significant size builders. Maybe building regulations need improving, and he has a clear role there.
Separately as he suggests maybe state sponsored loans are better than housing supplements; at least fror a number of people- but that is a central government call; as are most of the solutions even you outline (apart from land zoning)
So Brown isn t breaching any human rights at all; am pretty sure he would genuinely like to have more affordable housing. He doesn t have the cheque book of central government; or the ability to change most laws.
Stephen L - a friend who is a counciler told me the Auckland plan, just approved, has a shortage in it of housing / land for 50,000 people. The mayor and councilers know they have engineered a shortage. His article unfortuantely is disingenuous. Hugh, I think, is the honest guy in the room.
Currently you need 800m2 in the Res 6a and 1,000m2 in the Res 5 Zone before subdivision into current minimum size lots of 400m2 and 500m2 is possible. The height restriction of 8 metres limits building to two storey.
travel to south africa How ironic Len Brown saying some of the answers to making houses more affordable lie in the past, because most of the answers as to why they are unaffordable NOW also are found in the past as well, in fact the very recent past. His smart growth philosophies of restricting land supply or at the very best, pin pointing what will be released in the future is directly responsible for raising bare land prices. And because of that he is right that releasing more land his way will not help ease house prices. The horse has already bolted, the present crop of property developers and land bankers have already purchased at inflated prices, or are expecting to get inflated prices on this fringe land Len has identified. The best the first home buyer and below can expect to get is fringe Hobsonville 90m2 townhouses on 120m2 of land. In less than two generations smart growth has reduced the 1/4 acre (1,000m2) paradise down to a 120m2 paradise. Get ready for the paper bag in middle o road paradise. The only way Len and

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