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I love photo graphing Egyptian Hieroglyphics. I have taken many photo of them, but this one is by far my favorite. Egyptian doubletree hotel philadelphia hieroglyphs ( /ˈhaɪər.ɵˌɡlɪf/ hyr -o- glif , /ˈhaɪ.roʊˌɡlɪf/) hy -roh- glif ) were a formal doubletree hotel philadelphia writing system used by theancient Egyptians that combined logographic and alphabetic elements. Egyptians used cursive hieroglyphs for religious literature on papyrus and wood. Less formal variations of the script, doubletree hotel philadelphia called doubletree hotel philadelphia hieratic and demotic, are technically not hieroglyphs. Wikipedia. I do know that the squiggly line is water and have learned a few more.
Statue of Horus at Edfu Temple. This is my favorite God of all the ancient Egyptian Gods. I don t know why just love him. Horus is one of the oldest and most significant deities in ancient Egyptian doubletree hotel philadelphia religion, who was worshipped from at least the latePredynastic period through to Greco-Roman times. Different forms of Horus are recorded in history and these are treated as distinct gods by Egyptologists. Wikipedia. Instead of taking the normal shot of the whole stature I thought getting him at this angel was the best.
Ahhh my 5 star luxury cruise was amazing but most of all I loved the scenery. It was a 2 night cruise the 1st night sadly we didn t have a nice sunset, but on the 2nd one oh was it amazing. I love how perfectly round the sun gets here in Egypt. It s strange how different the sun looks here than anywhere else I m at. I managed to capture this shot and well y all know I love sunsets.
The Luxor Temple is one of the temples I didn t visit last time I was in Luxor. The funny thing it is right smack in the middle of the city, but was too lazy to see it. This time aorund though I didn t want to skip and well as usual it impressed me a lot. I love the statues of Ramses II. Ugh I Just wanna kiss his amazing lips.
I love Egyptians they are some of the nicest doubletree hotel philadelphia people doubletree hotel philadelphia ever. I was able to get this shot while I was wondering through the back alleys doubletree hotel philadelphia of Luxor. doubletree hotel philadelphia He didn t speak a word of English but was laughing at me for photographing clothes hanging (I can t help it I love photographing that). Anyway he then pointed to my camera to see my photos so I showed them to him he then asked me to take a picture of him. He s so cute.
The Abydos Kings List is a list of the names of seventy-six kings and pharaohs of Ancient Egypt, found on the walls of the Temple of Seti I at Abydos, Egypt. It consists of three rows of thirty-eight cartouches on each row. The upper two rows contain names of the kings, while the third row merely repeats Seti I s throne name and praenomen. Wikipedia It s not n amazing shot because doubletree hotel philadelphia its down a tight hall so I couldn t get it from a good angle. This is one of the most important reliefs in Egypt. It is the only list that contains doubletree hotel philadelphia the names of many of the Pharaohs.
The Dendara Temple complex (Temple of Hathor) is one of the best preserved temples in Egypt. When I walked in I was left speechless doubletree hotel philadelphia the color the color THE COLOR I kept thinking. Thanks to the black sut that covered it for ages (you can see below) doubletree hotel philadelphia it preserved the color very well. This is one of my favorite shots, because you can see the detail that was put into each temple. Wow how must it have been to see any of the temples I Have visited during it s prime.
I don t know who she is, but was on one of the wall in the Temple of Hathor and for some reason I love her. I don t what is about her, but I love it. I think it s the color, or maybe her eyes or lips. Not sure but this is a photo I d love to frame.
This was also taken at the Temple of Hathor. It is in the middle of the ceiling from start to finish. doubletree hotel philadelphia I m not sure why they left it half way done, but it shows how they found the temple and how it was covered doubletree hotel philadelphia in a black coat of dirt from many years. Then it shows what it looks like underneath. It s crazy how they were able to preserve the color and that even after thousands of years it s still there.
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