Although the service connects a state road, Florida A1A, the transportation department will maintain payless auto rental its longstanding policy payless auto rental that the ferry is a "local issue" that should be paid for by local entities, said DOT spokesman Mike Goldman.
Elaine Brown, chairwoman of a task force that has been working on a funding solution for the ferry, said the state's decision overlooks how important the ferry is to Florida A1A being the state's "signature highway."
Despite the setback, she said the $400,000 from the city and JaxPort is enough for the newly created St. Johns River Ferry Commission to take over operating the ferry Oct. 1 from JaxPort . The port authority has said it can no longer afford to pay the ferry's payless auto rental cost.
In recent years, the ferry's annual operating subsidy has been around $650,000 per year. Brown said $400,000 will keep the ferry going at least until the Legislature meets in 2013, giving supporters another opportunity to seek state funding.
"I remain committed payless auto rental to the St. Johns River Ferry, and I will continue working at all levels within the state and within the department of transportation because I think the ferry is of broad public interest," Adkins said.
He said the responsibility for paying the local match for those federal grants would continue to be on local entities. Previously, JaxPort paid the local matches for federal grants, but that will shift to the St. Johns River Ferry Commission. The local match is typically 20 percent of the total grant.
The ferry has operated daily since 1950. For most of its history, the state ran it. But the state stopped payless auto rental funding it 17 years ago after the Dames Point bridge payless auto rental opened, giving motorists another route across the river.
Next the State should payless auto rental stop any and all funding of sites in St. Augustine. I mean St. Augustine really has nothing of interest to business corporations. All those pesky tourists won't bring in nearly as much as a multinational corporation does.
I use the ferry maybe once each year. It is nice to have around but if it cannot be privatized shut it down. No taxpayer support for the ferry.If the ferry is so important and such a draw, why can't it support payless auto rental itself? And I agree with the comment above, close any state supported interests in St. Augustine. Florida payless auto rental and Jacksonville payless auto rental are broke. Does it make sense to support payless auto rental a non essential ferry when you are going to layoff police payless auto rental officers? Get you priorties straight.
This is even more evidence that this useless agency be put out of our misery. Between Pradath and Goldman we are being taken advantage of for their own personal greed. I have already sent a letter payless auto rental to Governor Scott about dismantling the DOT. Naturally, as with most things presented to a politician, it has fallen on deaf ears. Thankfully Scott won't be around after this one term.
@lilyslore I don't know who Pradath is. I only know Goldman based on his title in the story. Please explain how their "personal greed" enters into this. Do you somehow believe the money that might otherwise have gone to the ferry will now end up in their pockets?
With all of the talk of Public/Private partnerships from the Mayor, why aren't they going after corporate sponsors? As much money as these companies throw at political campaigns, I think they owe the people that much for funding the trash campaigns! How about it BiLo - Winn-Dixe? The Bi-Lo Ferry! Or the Fidelity Ferry. Or the Wells Fargo Ferry! You see, we can get this done if the City really wanted to!
This is only an inconvenience to those who have to commute from one side to the other (like 50 people). The ferry is a waste of money. With projects like this, no wonder the city is broke and cutting services.
payless auto rental Hey AsUsual: You are so far of base it isn't even funny. And depending on exactly where you live in the 940 sq. miles known as Jacksonville, it is not a surprise if a LOT of people have never used it. There's a LOT of other taxpayer-funded places around town where people could yelp the same "me first" attitude by saying "I never go to that place!", but we don't stop funding those places, do we?
According to the article it runs a deficit of about $650,000 payless auto rental per year or $1800 per day. They are also now facing $2 million in repairs to keep it running as well. How will it ever even get close to breaking even? It won't.
How about some of you talk to your friend the Governor and let him know that this route along the ocean is part of a historic route and has been included in the computation of tourist traffic and tourist dollars spent locally. Since Scott has publicly called for increase in state tourism he could put the money where his mouth is to step up here and do the right thing. Could we hear some honest opinion, not what the Governor has told the DOT Secretary to direct payless auto rental Mr. Goldman and others to say about not funding the expense?
Hundreds of people use the ferry on a daily basis. It brings in big bucks to not only Jax but Amelia Island and Fernandina Beach. It is a link to the Mayport Naval Station. The dollars being talked about to keep it open are insignificant compared to the dollars that ARE wasted on other projects around the state.
For those who like user fees for every separate government function or operation, based on whether or not they personally use it, contract a private company to run the ferry and charge what it really costs for a fare. But why should we do that to the ferry? We don't hold the buses or the almost humorously-named "Skyway Express" to that standard.
Here's payless auto rental another idea. Give the ferry to the Seminole Indians. Let them run it as another one of their casinos. Then, many people who now cannot afford another payless auto rental nickel, dime, or dollar payless auto rental in taxes to maintain the ferry, libraries, or even police and fire/rescue payless auto rental will be riding the thing at every opportunity.
against the slate. payless auto rental but now looking further into the law governing payless auto rental the ferry an act signed by the governor holds the dot accountable for the operation care and maintence of the ferry, since dot has neglected to perform its duty under the grants given to them by the federal government perhaps they should pay the federal government back for the misuse of tax presents a federal question, maybe even questioning payless auto rental the fdot pet projects being payed for.a special grand jury might light a fire under their ***** to do something right for a change and fund the ferry, tourism is the key factor tourist dollars along the parks and beaches.
Mayport payless auto rental Village people should have supported the cruise terminal. The area would have been booming with tourists and I am sure new businesses. You got what you wanted, to remain a small historic area with no real reason for anyone to visit. Quit complaining payless auto rental and use the bridge.
If we want the ferry and all the other important items, we just may have to pay a little more taxes. All these things cost money. payless auto rental We are so busy making an issue out of raising taxes and elect tea party candidates that we get ourselves backed into these corners. Jacksonville must invest in itself, as should the state and country.
Why can the city justify such huge expenditures on JTA and not come up with the funds for the St. John's River Ferry? The Ferry is routinely used as a political payless auto rental football. In the financial scheme of things the Ferry is penny ante. Why would the City step over dollars to pickup pennies?
Nothing lasts forever ... if it is not self-sustaining or at least no more costly than maintaining the equivalent stretch of highway, let it go. It is another victim of out of sight and unreasonable state worker payless auto rental pensions, benefits and salaries. When we feel the actual pain (such as losing the ferry) of letting these people steal from us and serve themselves to our tax money, maybe then the real "fix" will be enacted ... real public servants making payless auto rental an HONEST wage for their work.
Second, those who believe that the cost of running and maintaining the ferry is nothing compared to other high cost expenses taxpayers pay for are simply falling into the old trap of ignoring payless auto rental how the total bill adds up when every thing that allegedly cost "pennies" are combined. Congress has done that for decades and we are now in debt for nearly 16 trillion dollars.
I also wonder if anyone has made an accurate payless auto rental survey on how many people ride the bus, and how much we can save by transitioning from the current buses used today to something more economically feasible payless auto rental sometime in the future? Now is the time to begin thinking about things like that, and not wait until it will take another ten years to implement as we do with so many other projects.
payless auto rental The ferry is one of the few things that we have in this part of Florida that tourists payless auto rental support. The ferry is an essential payless auto rental means of some that need to cross the river for purposes of transporting goods, some use it for a way to get to work, or just to ride and enjoy.
Face the facts folks. If this were down in Naples, Ft. Myers, Ft. Lauderdale, Sarasota, etc., there would be no delay in the state supporting the ferry. But it is up in that darned place called north Florida, or as some of us call this area, south Georgia, and the state ignores our problems. We the citizens of this city/county built most of what you drive on/over without state assistance. Don't look for help from your buddy Scott. He could care less about it.
Elaine Brown is the head of this committee. Her name is the contact person for the realty company selling the property adjacent to the Mayport side of the Ferry. Don't believe me, just go look for yourself. Along with several other properties in the Mayport village area that have her down as the contact person for the realty company. This Mayport area has been the center of criminal investigations for elected officials over real estate deals in the past few years. Has everyone forgotten this? COJ city council has given money to fix up this area in the last decade and who was on that council? Both of the Browns if I remember correctly. Even if they can sustain funds to keep it going another year,
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