Wednesday, July 25, 2012

You are right CO. The public education system in America is a complete joke. A very good friend of m

What in the world has happened to the children of America?  All over the United States kids are acting like half-crazed monsters, but most people seem to think that this is normal .  American kids today are selfish, self-centered, sadistic, cruel, executive inn louisville ky disrespectful, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, boastful, unforgiving, incredibly brutal and they possess very little self-control whatsoever.  They feel entitled to everything, but they don t want to work for any of it.  They are absolutely addicted to entertainment, and they know very little about self-sacrifice.  Disciplining children is not considered to be politically correct in America today, and with each passing year these little hellions get even worse.  So what in the world is our country going to look like when all of these out of control kids grow up?
Below I have posted a video that is likely to make you very, very angry.  It is video of two 15-year-old bullies torturing a little 10-year-old boy in the back of a school bus.  What makes it even worse is that the boy is a special needs student.
The short video below only shows some of the key moments, but the truth is that the bullies physically abused this poor boy for the entire 40 minute bus trip.  They constantly used racial and sexual slurs and at one point they held a very hot cigarette lighter against his skin which made him howl in pain.
This is one of the reasons why I am encouraging parents  to get their children out of the government schools .  I went to public schools all my life, and they were horrible enough back then.  I feel really badly for any child that has to endure the hellholes that we call public schools today.
Three teenagers accused of killing a 62-year-old father-of-12 in West Rogers executive inn louisville ky Park were playing a game called "Pick 'em out and knock 'em down" when they videotaped themselves punching him in the face, prosecutors say.
The three were playing a "game where the offender picks an innocent victim and knocks him out by striking executive inn louisville ky him and likely robbing executive inn louisville ky him as well," Assistant Cook County State's Attorney Terry Clancy told Judge Israel executive inn louisville ky Desierto in court Monday.
Even more shocking were the results of  a survey of Oklahoma high school students conducted back in 2009.  The following is a list of the questions that were asked and the percentage of students that answered correctly .
-Boys are four to five times more likely than girls to have Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, according to the National Center for Education Statistics. executive inn louisville ky Two-thirds of students in special education programs are guys.
-The average boy spends 13 hours a week playing video games. The average girl spends 5. The average young American will spend 10,000 hours playing video games by age 21. That s twice the time it takes to earn a bachelor s degree.
honestly, I think an article exposing executive inn louisville ky what I d just described might go a long way in changing the BS situation.. if it s happened in Indiana, how many other states? if they ve all been privatized but are still collecting the taxes from the public, how is it not ALL A FRAUD?
My solution is counterintuitive perhaps but jmo what is needed is to defund the schools such that all the excess bureaucracy, day care, afterschool programs are gone. When schools got to be big sinkholes of money, that s when they went down the drain because they became a pawn in the political executive inn louisville ky system.
You are right CO. The public education system in America is a complete joke. A very good friend of mine is on the local school board, he s a good guy trying to fix shit but omg what an insane mess, the union is to blame. That and the fact most teachers executive inn louisville ky get into teaching because they failed at hat they originally wanted to be, same as the police force. So we have bitter people teaching our kids and policing our streets. ha!
In many places the school has become merely a bully for political correctness and the bully kids catch on to the game . Society is reflected in the schools. Schools will punish the victims of those who are not team players in the game . It take a school with a strong principle to weed these little buggers out not some wussy little yuppie wimps who are scared of the children.
I hear all kinds of excuses. But, basically executive inn louisville ky it comes down to lack of good parenting. Johnny has 2 mommies and sharing doesn t work in a free enterprise/capitalistic system. Those people sell out for the freebies and bring the rest of us in financial equilibrium with the hands off parenting crowd.
I used a power edger to clean up my sidewalk. My divorce neighbor thought it looked great and asked if I could do the same for her short little section. The edging part is easy. Picking up the dirt and hauling it away is work. So, I did this with the understanding that she would have someone haul the edgings away. She has 2 healthy teen age kids. 3 weeks later the edgings were still there. It wasn t any of my business to ask her why her kids didn t haul away that little bit of dirt.
It wasn t really all that safe before; I went to school in the seventies and early 80s, there were race riots when they integrated the schools (in my location it was blacks assaulting whites but I know people who come from places executive inn louisville ky where it was the opposite), there were fights and bullying every day, kids played games like boys against the girls where the male students would physically attack the girls (until I lined the girls up along a tall chainlink fence and we pitched them into the fence and kicked the shit out of them, then the school decided it had gone too far), smear the queer where some misfit was forced to run with a ball while everyone else chased them around and beat the crap out of them until they dropped the ball and some other misfit was chosen; my school allowed me to be used for a several years long covert psychological study. There were teachers molesting students, and older students molesting younger students. It wasn t anything like safe.
This is one of the reasons executive inn louisville ky why I am encouraging parents to get their children out of the government executive inn louisville ky schools. I went to public schools all my life, and they were horrible enough back then. I feel really badly for any child that has to endure the hellholes that we call "public executive inn louisville ky schools" today.
executive inn louisville ky I really object to this sh$t though. Because inevitably the solution is for me to fund private education for well-to-do white people s kids + a few token minority kids a la vouchers or magnet schools or whatever the latest gimmick is. Fukk that all to he ll. The solution is to fix the public school system. And it can be fixed because it did formerly work. Not that it was perfect yet I graduated from high school with 4 years of a foreign language, math through calculus, science through physics and a college level chemistry course, all while working 20 hours a week (10 under the table lol because it wasn t legal for kids to work more than 10 hours a week).
i agree with you ho- the public schools can be fixed , i have long held the belief that teacher tenure is to blame for most of it. some of these teachers just dont care anymore, we need a system executive inn louisville ky where teachers are retained and paid based on performance.
3. Stay over at friends house every weekend, and pretty much half the summer. executive inn louisville ky (What is wrong with this? If they are not under your roof, you are not watching them. They become the responsibility and financial strain to the other parents.)
14. Mom and oldest sneek him across the city to another town where his so called girl friend lives, behind her parents back, while she is at summer camp. So he can visit. executive inn louisville ky Give her an Itouch so the two kids can remain in touch,(All behind the girl s parents back.)
Years ago a friend of mine had a notion that parent s should pass a philosophical test about life before they were allowed to {have, take care of} children. executive inn louisville ky At the time, to me, this was a bit of a surprise for an idea per-se, executive inn louisville ky but during the last decade (e.g. your comments, etc.) this notion does not seem to be as freakish to me than it was back then.
Parents executive inn louisville ky no longer teach their kids right or wrong and fear a law suit if they punish the kid for doing wrong, that s two. Kids like their parents get so obsorbed in their iPhone fantasy world they loose touch with reality, that s three. People spend all day texting, just to avoid interacting with other people. The mobile phone has to be biggest anti-social tool of the Millenium, followed by FarceBook.
It s about this time kids no longer respond to their parents so It s to the Quack get some Meds for the Attention Defeceit executive inn louisville ky Syndrome , that s four. And on top that, Divorce rate is so high most kids are going to have multiple executive inn louisville ky parents.
Kids no longer even have basic skills: hammer a nail, boil an egg or even Cleaning. All lost skills executive inn louisville ky because their parents hire somebody to hammer a nail, eat takeaway Pizza Hut or KFC and hire somebody to clean and be the nanny while they work to pay the Mortgage they can t afford.
The kids have been deliberately dummed down and provided with drugs for years. There is no plan to keep them. They will all be killed during the planned culling to reduce the population by 90% or so for the New World Order. That s why no one worries about infrastructure or shortages there will be plenty for the 10% who are selected and given permission to live in the new world .
Poor vocabulary and reading comprehension rates, I suspect are a major factor. With 65% of the US population having verbal executive inn louisville ky comprehension vocabularies of around 250 words (Shakespeare was estimated to have 20,000 words), executive inn louisville ky the ability to comprehend complex argument and debate has been degraded to such a point that you might as well conclude that the Orwellian Newspeak has had a highly successful implementation within the USA. This trend is also apparent within the UK. An informed and educated proletariat is much more difficult to manipulate and control. Of course the fact that a vast majority of the USA population wouldn t readily understand the term Orwellian Newspeak executive inn louisville ky since t

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